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Marketing Analytics Insights Report

Download - Marketing Analytics & Insights Report

Leverage Our Global Experience

Each of our consultants has access to the collective brainpower of the global WSI network. The Digital Marketing Analytics & Insights Report provides recommendations based on data collected from over 60 million sessions in 2019.


Strengthen your marketing with our insights into digital trends and best practices.

This report delivers data gathered from over 61M sessions, and recommendations from some of the most experienced digital marketing advisors in the world, providing you insights for generating success with your digital marketing blueprint.

Data you can rely on
In this report we collected information from 61,390,608 sessions to study a wide range of analytics data including browser data, sessions, bounce rates, device usage, pageviews, new and returning visitors.
Where is your next lead coming from?
When studying how new and returning visitors find your site, you can decide what stage of the buying cycle is working for you, and where to focus efforts in your next campaign.
It's not just data. It's information!
We leverage our global digital marketing network to bring you recommendations at every step enabling you to make decisions from both data, and expert assessments of that data.

What's in the Report

In 2019 we collected data from over 61 million sessions, compiled it to showcase some of the important trends and provide insights in this 35-page report .

Our goal is to provide you the insights and recommendations based on digital trends and best practices for generating success for your digital campaigns.


How can you use this report?

  • Study new vs. returning users to contribute to your acquisition strategy
  • Examine the market share for browsers used to define your mobile first approach
  • Use Android, Windows or iOS data to ensure compatibility where it matters most
  • Mobile First, or Mobile Only?  Study device usage data to find out the impact mobile is having on your marketing campaigns.
  • Where is traffic coming from?  Organic Search represents a nearly 48% share of the traffic delivered to websites in 2019, but what other channels should you be exploring?
  • What day of the week is the busiest on the internet?  (hint, it’s not a weekend)
  • What time of day is the busiest?

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